AqiqahSG Romper Winner: December 2020

Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings from Aqiqah.SG! Today we are going to announce December 2020’s AqiqahSG Romper Challenge Winner.

But before that, may we take a step back and reminisce the wonderful year of 2020 -how time flies. The pandemic struck the world in the month of March, last year. Many lost their lives, loved ones. Many lost their jobs. We were not able to perform Tarawih at the mosques, we were not able to visit our relatives. Amidst all the chaos and fear surrounded us, we continue to persevere on.

Allah is Great. Allah is fair. The beauty of Islam is our faith in Allah. As well as our trust in one another. Indeed many have lost their jobs, but rezeki was never cut off. There are more home based businesses now. Alhamdulillah for the endless support we have for one another. Yes, we were not able to perform Tarawih at mosques and we were not able to visit our relatives. Nevertheless, Allah has given us the knowledge to allow us do virtual visitings. We were able to meet our relatives even from abroad. We were able to perform Tarawih and break our fast as a family in our homes. As Silaturrahim was taken care of more than it was before.

Thank you Allah for this challenge that you have given us. Thank you Allah for the luxury you have given us. Thank you Allah for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us.

And with that, we shall end today’s post with December’s AqiqahSG Romper Challenge Winner …



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